Structures And Installations

Soft rock
- Fill in holes in your walls
Hard rock
- Make filled holes slightly harder to breakdown
Reinforced wall
- Increase efficiency of nearby training, crafting and studying
- Force invaders to bridge gaps or fly across them. Can be filled with
water by digging channels from lakes and rivers to make a moat.
Build it to pass over water or lava.
- Lock minions into areas or out of areas. Slow down advancing armies.
- Click on a built door to lock it.’’
Wooden door
Iron door
Adamantium door
Place it on tiles next to a wall.
Barricades let the air through, not your minions! Pretty useful to have
a indoor pigsty without corpse rotting hazard. Best is to have a
barricade “window” next to water (neighbors: they don’t swim… or fly).
Place it on tiles next to a wall.
- Cost : none
- Increases room efficiency
- Light emission : 8.2
Standing Torch
- Like a normal torch but placed on the floor not a wall
Message board
- Other members of the KeeperRL community can post on your dungeon
message board
Makes the area around it visible.
- Cost : 10 mana
- Vision range : 30 Tiles
To get max range, it might be handy to add torches (and to cut or burn
those annoying trees).
Gold Statue
- Less effective than the throne but you can add
as many statues as you want - the minions like fine art!
- Augments the population cap by 1.’’
- Cost: 50 gold
Stone Statue
- Augments the population cap by 1.per statue.
- Cost: 250 Stone
- Maximum population of +4 from stone statues
Whipping Post
- If they don’t look happy enough, they just need to be “educated” a
- A place to execute prisoners that look nicer as a head on a pole.
Prisoner Head
Impaled head of an executed prisoner. Aggravates enemies.
- Cost : 1 prisoner head
- Each head increase the chance to be attacked by villages.
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