Item Types
Used to specify what sort of items appear in workshops, forges,
jewellers and laboratories
\} 10 IRON 20\}
Valid values
- Knife
- Spear
- Sword
- AdaSword
- ElvenSword
- BattleAxe
- AdaBattleAxe
- WarHammer
- AdaWarHammer
- Club
- HeavyClub
- WoodenStaff
- IronStaff
- GoldenStaff
- Scythe
- Bow
- ElvenBow
- LeatherArmor
- LeatherHelm
- IronHelm
- AdaHelm
- ChainArmor
- AdaArmor
- LeatherBoots
- IronBoots
- AdaBoots
- LeatherGloves
- IronGloves
- AdaGloves
- Robe
- Scroll
- FireScroll
- Potion
- Mushroom
- Amulet
- DefenseAmulet
- Ring
- FirstAidKit
- Rock
- IronOre
- AdaOre
- GoldPiece
- WoodPlank
- Bone
- RandomTechBook
- TechBook
- TrapItem
- AutomatonItem
- BagOfCandies
- HalloweenCostume
- UnicornHorn
- Intrinsic
- Torch
Other items in this section