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Build Menu.txt


structuredoors, etc are groups that are then used in the last column in player_creatures.txt.
# (they do not necessarily correspond to how menu items are grouped into submenus, you can join several
# groups into a submenu, like beds, cages, pigsty and coffins are in the living submenu)

 \{ Dig                                                      Dig or cut tree   Structure  
   "" d \{\} true DIG_OR_CUT_TREES\}
 \{ Furniture \{\{ MOUNTAIN \}                   STONE 5 \}      Soft rock         Structure \}
 \{ Furniture \{\{ MOUNTAIN2 \}                  STONE 10 \}     Hard rock         Structure \}

 \{ Furniture \{\{ DUNGEON_WALL DUNGEON_WALL2 \} STONE 3\}       Reinforce wall    Structure
   Reinforced walls are better at stopping enemies from digging into your dungeon.\}

 \{ Furniture \{\{ PIT \}                        STONE 0 \}      Dig a pit         Structure
   Dig a pit in the ground. Building next to water or lava will cause it to fill up. \}

 \{ Furniture \{\{ WOOD_WALL \}                  WOOD 5 \}       Wooden building   Structure
   Outdoor building. Tiles covered by the roof are considered territory and can be built on. \}

 \{ Furniture \{\{ CASTLE_WALL \}                STONE 5 \}      Stone building    Structure
   Outdoor building. Tiles covered by the roof are considered territory and can be built on. \}

 \{ Furniture \{\{ BRIDGE \}                     WOOD 5 \}       Bridge            Structure
   Build to pass over water of lava. \}

 \{ Furniture \{\{ WOOD_DOOR \}                  WOOD 5 \}       Wooden door       Doors
   Stops enemies. Your minions can pass freely unless you lock it.  o \{\} true BUILD_DOOR\}

 \{ Furniture \{\{ IRON_DOOR \}                  IRON 5 \}       Iron door         Doors
   Stops enemies. Your minions can pass freely unless you lock it. \}

 \{ Furniture \{\{ ADA_DOOR \}                   ADA 5 \}        Adamantine door   Doors
   Stops enemies. Your minions can pass freely unless you lock it.\}

 \{ Furniture \{\{ FLOOR_WOOD1 \}                WOOD 2 \}       Wooden            Floors
  "" f \{\} true BUILD_FLOOR\}
 \{ Furniture \{\{ FLOOR_WOOD2 \}                WOOD 2 \}       Wooden            Floors
  "" 0 \{\} true BUILD_FLOOR\}
 \{ Furniture \{\{ FLOOR_STONE1 \}               STONE 2 \}      Stone             Floors \}
 \{ Furniture \{\{ FLOOR_STONE2 \}               STONE 2 \}      Stone             Floors \}
 \{ Furniture \{\{ FLOOR_CARPET1 \}              GOLD 2 \}       Carpet            Floors \}
 \{ Furniture \{\{ FLOOR_CARPET2 \}              GOLD 2 \}       Carpet            Floors \}
 \{ DestroyLayers \{FLOOR\}                                    Remove floor      Floors \}

 \{ Zone STORAGE_RESOURCES                                   Resources         Storage 
  Only wood, iron, granite, and adamantium can be stored here. s \{\} true RESOURCE_STORAGE\}

 \{ Zone STORAGE_EQUIPMENT                                   Equipment         Storage
  All equipment for your minions can be stored here. 0 \{\} false EQUIPMENT_STORAGE \}

 \{ Furniture \{\{ TREASURE_CHEST \}             WOOD 5  \}      Treasure chest    Storage
  All your gold is stored here. \}

 \{ Furniture \{\{ GRAVE \}                      STONE 5 \}      Grave             Storage
  All corpses are stored here.\}

 \{ Zone QUARTERS1                                           Quarters 1        Quarters
  Designate separate quarters for chosen minions. q \{\} true\}

 \{ Zone QUARTERS2                                           Quarters 2        Quarters
  Designate separate quarters for chosen minions.\}

 \{ Zone QUARTERS3                                           Quarters 3        Quarters
  Designate separate quarters for chosen minions.\}

 \{ Furniture \{\{ BOOKCASE_WOOD \}   WOOD 15 \}                 Wooden bookcase   Library  
  Train your minions' magical powers here. y          \{TechId sorcery\} true BUILD_LIBRARY \}
 \{ Furniture \{\{ BOOKCASE_IRON \}   IRON 15 \}                 Iron bookcase     Library
  Train your minions' magical powers here. 0          \{TechId advanced sorcery\} \}
 \{ Furniture \{\{ BOOKCASE_GOLD \}   GOLD 15 \}                 Golden bookcase   Library
  Train your minions' magical powers here.0           \{TechId master sorcery\}\}

 \{ Furniture \{ types = \{ THRONE \} cost = GOLD 500 limit = 1\} Throne "" ""  0   \{DungeonLevel 10\} \}

 \{ Furniture \{\{ BED1 \}       WOOD 12 \}                      Basic bed         Living
  Humanoid minions sleep here. v \{\} true  BUILD_BED \}
 \{ Furniture \{\{ BED2 \}       IRON 12 \}                      Fine bed          Living
  Humanoid minions sleep here. \}

 \{ Furniture \{\{ BED3 \}       GOLD 12 \}                      Luxurious bed     Living
  Humanoid minions sleep here.\}

 \{ Furniture \{\{ BEAST_CAGE \} WOOD 8 \}                       Beast cage        Living
  Beasts sleep here.\}
 \{ Furniture \{\{ PIGSTY \}     WOOD 5 \}                       Pigsty            Living\}

 \{ Furniture \{\{ COFFIN1 \}    WOOD 15 \}                      Basic coffin      Living
  Undead creatures sleep here.\}

 \{ Furniture \{\{ COFFIN2 \}    STONE 15 \}                     Fine coffin       Living
  Undead creatures sleep here.\}

 \{ Furniture \{\{ COFFIN3 \}    GOLD 15 \}                      Luxurious coffin  Living
  Undead creatures sleep here.\}

 \{ Furniture \{\{ TRAINING_WOOD \} WOOD 12 \}                   Wooden dummy      Training room
  Train your minions' melee skills here. r \{\} true  TRAINING_ROOM\}

 \{ Furniture \{\{ TRAINING_IRON \} IRON 12 \}                   Iron dummy        Training room
  Train your minions' melee skills here.   0 \{ TechId iron working \} \}

 \{ Furniture \{\{ TRAINING_ADA \}  ADA  12 \}                   Adamantine dummy  Training room
  Train your minions' melee skills here.   0 \{ TechId iron working \}\}

 \{ Furniture \{\{ ARCHERY_RANGE \} WOOD 12 \}                   Archery target    Training room
  Train your minions' archery skills here. 0 \{ TechId archery \}\}

 \{ Furniture \{\{ WORKSHOP \}   WOOD 15 \}                      Workshop          Crafting
  Produces leather equipment, traps, first-aid kits and other. m \{\} true  BUILD_WORKSHOP\}

 \{ Furniture \{\{ FORGE \}      IRON 20 \}                      Forge             Crafting
  Produces metal weapons and armor.    0 \{ TechId iron working \}\}

 \{ Furniture \{\{ LABORATORY \} STONE 10 \}                     Laboratory        Crafting
  Produces magical potions.            0 \{ TechId alchemy \}\}

 \{ Furniture \{\{ JEWELLER \}   WOOD 12 \}                      Jeweller          Crafting
  Produces magical rings and amulets.  0 \{ TechId jewellery \}\}

 \{ Furniture \{\{ DEMON_SHRINE \} GOLD 30 \}                    Demon shrine      ""
  Undead creatures sleep here. 0 \{ TechId demonology \}\}

 \{ Furniture \{\{ PRISON \}        IRON 15 \}                   Prison            Prison
  Required to capture enemies. p \{\} true\}

 \{ Furniture \{\{ TORTURE_TABLE \} IRON 15 \}                   Torture table     Prison
  Can be used to torture prisoners. Free population slot required for torturing.\}

 \{ ClaimTile                                                Claim tile        Orders
  Claim a dungeon tile as your own. Building anything on it has the same effect. \}

 \{ Zone FETCH_ITEMS                                         Fetch items       Orders
  Order imps to fetch items from locations outside the dungeon. This is a one-time order.\}

 \{ Zone PERMANENT_FETCH_ITEMS                               Fetch items persistently Orders
  Order imps to fetch items from locations outside the dungeon. This is a persistent order.\}

 \{ Dispatch                                                 Prioritize task   Orders
  Click on an existing task to give it a high priority. a \}

 \{ DestroyLayers \{CEILING MIDDLE\}                           Remove construction Orders
  "" e \{\} false REMOVE_CONSTRUCTION \}
 \{ ForbidZone                                               Forbind zone      Orders
  Mark tiles to keep minions from entering.\}

 \{ Furniture \{\{ BARRICADE \}     WOOD 5 \}                    Barricade         Installations
  Blocks enemy movement, but projectiles and spells can pass over it. \}

 \{ Furniture \{\{ TORCH_N TORCH_E TORCH_S TORCH_W \}\}          Torch             Installations
  Place it on tiles next to a wall. c \{\} false BUILD_TORCH\}

  Candelabrum             Installations       Place it on tiles next to a wall. \}

 \{ Furniture \{\{ GROUND_TORCH \}  WOOD 10  \}                  Standing torch    Installations
  "" 0 \{\} false BUILD_TORCH \}

 \{ Furniture \{\{ KEEPER_BOARD \}  WOOD 15 \}                   Message board     Installations
  A board where you can leave a message for other players. \}

 \{ Furniture \{\{ FOUNTAIN \}      STONE 30 \}                  Fountain          Installations \}

 \{ Furniture \{\{ WHIPPING_POST \} WOOD  20 \}                  Whipping post     Installations
  A place to whip your minions if they need a morale boost. \}

 \{ Furniture \{\{ GALLOWS \}       WOOD  20 \}                  Gallows           Installations
  For hanging prisoners.\}

 \{ Furniture \{\{ IMPALED_HEAD \}  PRISONER_HEAD 1 true\}       Prisoner head     Installations
  Impaled head of an executed prisoner. Aggravates enemies.\}

 \{ Furniture \{\{ EYEBALL \}              WOOD   30 \}                   Eyeball           Installations
  Makes the area around it visible.\}

 \{ Furniture \{\{ MINION_STATUE \}        GOLD   50  \}                  Golden statue     Installations ""\}
 \{ Furniture \{\{ STONE_MINION_STATUE \}  STONE  250 \}                  Stone statue      Installations ""\}
 \{ Furniture \{\{ PORTAL \}               STONE  60 \}                   Portal            Installations
  Opens a connection if another portal is present.\}

 \{ Furniture \{\{ TUTORIAL_ENTRANCE \} \}                  Tutorial Entrance           Installations\}

 \{ Trap TERROR TERROR_TRAP                                  Terror trap       Traps
  Causes the trespasser to panic. 0                   \{ TechId traps \}\}

 \{ Trap POISON_GAS GAS_TRAP                                 Gas trap          Traps
  Releases a cloud of poisonous gas. 0                \{ TechId traps \}\}

 \{ Trap ALARM ALARM_TRAP                                    Alarm trap        Traps
  Summons all minions 0                               \{ TechId traps \}\}

 \{ Trap WEB WEB_TRAP                                        Web trap          Traps
  Immobilises the trespasser for some time. 0         \{ TechId traps \}\}

 \{ Trap BOULDER BOULDER                                     Boulder trap      Traps
  Causes a huge boulder to roll towards the enemy. 0  \{ TechId traps \}\}

 \{ Trap SURPRISE SURPRISE_TRAP                              Surprise trap     Traps
  Teleports nearby minions to deal with the trespasser. 0 \{ TechId traps \}\}


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